Cake Smashes Myth Busting

Cake Smashes may be misunderstood, I’ve heard discussions about them being frivolous, distasteful or wasteful.

And I understand where these ideas have come from, I really do.

In fact before I knew anything about cake smashes, I had the same opinion.

So I thought I’d pull together a little piece to explain how cake smash sessions are actually a wonderful way to mark, capture and cherish your little one’s first birthday. As well as being a great fun way to further their development.

Cake smashes are frivolous.

How could capturing beautiful images of your baby having fun on their 1st birthday, images that you’ll treasure for a lifetime, be a frivolous expense?

The Apple watch I brought Matt for Christmas is a frivolous expense. But photos of our babies that we love and cherish are anything but frivolous.

Cake smashes are distasteful.

Baby sensory activities are pivotal to a babies development.

Giving them the opportunity to experience new textures, sights, smells and tastes is an amazing way to help their sensory development.

A cake smash is simply that, it’s a baby sensory activity. They are given a cake, which for many is something completely new, and they can investigate it in any way that they choose.

So how can something that is so good for their development be distasteful.

Messy play rules!

Cake smashes are a huge waste, especially considering people in other countries are starving.

The baby eats some cake and then whatever they don’t eat the parents take home to eat with a cup of tea.

So where’s the wastage?

Plus my cake smash cakes are little, 4 inches in diameter to be precise.

Waste is the 3 meals a week that my toddler refuses to eat because it’s too hot/cold/green/funny shaped/on the wrong plate/not dinosaur food. Now that’s wastage.

So you see, cake smashes are just a fun way for your baby to experiment with their senses, try something new and a wonderful way to capture images you’ll always treasure.

If you’d like more information on our beautifully simply and natural cake smash sessions please CLICK HERE.

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